Sunday, January 29, 2012

I found quinoa!

Last week, I posted a couple quinoa recipes that I really wanted to try after I tasted the grain for the first time in Albuquerque. Alas, on my next grocery trip, I couldn't find any. Boo. So today I stopped by Sunflower Farmers Market on a tip from my fellow intern, and I was able to buy a pound! Woo! Look for a post on the success (or failure) of my very first quinoa dish later this week.


Sunflower Market also had surprisingly cheap spices, which I had been avoiding buying because of their ridiculous price tags. I bought cilantro, garlic, olive oil and pesto (which I plan to use for this and this), so I can do some real cooking now! The market is pretty close to where I work, so I think that will be my go-to store from now on when I need to pick up just one or two ingredients for an intriguing recipe. The staff was also really helpful. (I had no idea where to look for the pesto, what it was sold in, etc.)

Note: I apologize for the image quality. These pictures were taken on my phone.