Sunday, September 8, 2013

Banned Books Week: A Semi-Charmed Photo Challenge

I already announced this photo challenge in a Book Chat post a few weeks ago, but I wanted to dedicate a special post to make the rules/details easier to find. :) It's only two weeks away now!

So here are the details: To celebrate Banned Books Week 2013, I've devised a bookish photo category for each day of the week. Feel free to share your photos on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc., with the hashtag #bookphotoaday. I'll also pick my favorite photos from each day and reshare them on my Instagram account (@mcstroup) and my blog!

Please feel free to share the image above on your blog, Instagram, etc., to tell your book-loving followers about the challenge and invite them to join in.

So, are you in?


Megan said...

Sounds fun! I just got an instagram, so I'm in.

thesubtlehipster said...

I'm in!

Jenn @ Lost in the Right Direction said...

Sounds fun! I definitely want to participate :)

Sarah Pete said...

What a cool idea! Count me in!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

Some girls I just met here are starting a book club, Ill need to sort through your archives to find some good suggestions. We are starting with The City Thieves- have you read that?

Meghan said...

This is awesome! I am going to bookmark this so I can prep some posts!

Anonymous said...

This sounds great! Am prepping my posts now ;)


Regina @ Vintage 1973 said...

Thank you for this opportunity! Check out my post in response to your inspiration.

Excited to join the Autumn Challenge.