As always, Literary Junkies is hosted by
Your May co-host: SEMI-CHARMED KIND OF LIFE (that's me!)

1. What are you currently reading? Tell us about it!
I recently started reading One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus. My grandma told me about this book last summer, and I've been wanting to read it ever since. When Daire asked me to co-host a month of her "open book club," I knew this book would be perfect, and I can't wait to discuss it with her next week! It's a historical fiction book based on an event that didn't actually happen (but could have!), which I think is an absolutely fascinating impetus for a book.
2. Do you judge a book by its cover? What cover elements make you not want to pick up a book?
Definitely! It's hard not to judge when you have shelves and shelves of books to choose from. I recently observed that I rarely read books with actual people on the covers; I prefer illustrations. I'm not sure why this is: perhaps because when I think of real people on covers, I think of adult romance? And that's not really my style.
3. Do you participate in any other bookish link-ups? Tell us about them so we can join next time!
I rarely participate in Top Ten Tuesday over at The Broke and the Bookish because I already have my own Tuesday link-up [insert shameless self-promotion for Travel Tuesday here], but I love to read a few of the posts each week!
4. Have you ever watched a movie that was better than its book version? Explain yourself!
Personally, I thought The Notebook was much better on film than on paper. Then again, I'm not a huge Nicholas Sparks fan, so I might be biased. I also vastly preferred the movie version of Atonement to the book, but I also watched the movie first (big mistake!), so reading the book seemed somewhat like a waste of time. (It is long and depressing, in case you haven't read it yet, and already knowing the ending definitely didn't help.)
5. Summer is here! Do you read more often during any particular season?
Summer (and Thanksgiving break!) was definitely my heavy reading time throughout school, but as a post-grad, I think my reading is pretty even throughout the year. Maybe a little heavier in the winter when it gets dark early and I don't want to go outside after work. :) Although in warmer weather, I do take more opportunities to head outside and bask in the sun with a good book and a glass of sweet tea....
6. What is the worst book you've read this year? Why?
Sadly, I didn't enjoy reading Bellman & Black by Diane Setterfield. I say "sadly" because I read about this book on a blog I really enjoy reading, so I thought I would like this book, but it was just too boring for me: it didn't keep my attention and at the end, I was left wondering why I read the book. Have any of you read Bellman & Black? What was I missing?
Interested in joining our book club? Check out our upcoming reads!
June: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter
July: The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton
I've already read Beautiful Ruins, and The Secret Keeper has been on my TBR list for forever, so I think it is safe to say I'll be participating in the next two Twitter chats as well. :) Now it's your turn: Grab our button below, answer the questions listed above, write your post and link up with us!!
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