
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Photo A Day: September

My participation in Chantelle's photo a day challenge last month wasn't so hot. I think part of that was because I was pretty focused on my own photo challenge for one of the weeks. But, I did get a few nice shots to contribute to the #fmsphotoaday hashtag on Instagram:

the September list | spending time together on the golf course for Labor Day weekend
my name starts with m. so do a lot of my office supplies | on my wall

remembering a sweet treat in Seville | I made a new blog button!
the shadow of my bicycle | this scarf was an unexpected purchase

sipping on tea | California doesn't know what seasons are :(
the frames that made the cut to my office | reading Sports Illustrated

twisting the rule of thirds to use this picture | mimosas make me smile
I found out I really like orange! | the new list for October

Are you participating this month?


  1. I've always wanted to participate in a photo challenge, but I am such a slacker. Perhaps it could make for a good New Year's resolution? :)

  2. I'm so bad at these challenges, I always fail half way through haha

  3. I've never done one of these challenges before. I'm a very reluctant photographer. I really do want to make myself take more photos though because I know I will enjoy them down the line. Perhaps I will do one of these challenges next month!


I love hearing your thoughts! Please make sure your email address is linked to your profile, or that you include your email address/blog url in the comment so I can respond. :) Also, I've had to turn off anonymous comments due to spam problems. Sorry about that!