
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Week in Review: 10.19.2013

I think this will be my last weekly recap post, at least for the near future. Now that I'm working a 9-to-5 job, my weeks all pretty much look the same, so I'm finding these posts to be a little repetitive. I plan on switching to a monthly recap instead (similar to what I used to do, but with an updated format), but I'll be finding other ways to share my most popular Instagram photos and posts each week, whether that's on social media or elsewhere. I hope you enjoy my final Week in Review post (for now)!

Get this: I only posted two pictures on Instagram in the past week! Whaaaaaat? I know; insane in the membrane. I guess I just didn't think my life was very Instagram-worthy this week. Here are the chosen two that made it to my feed:

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5. Currently: recapping my banned books week photo challenge (posted October 13)
4. The Volunteer State on Instagram: Memphis & Nashville (posted October 15)
3. Autumn 2013 Book Challenge: The Preliminary List (posted September 30)
2. Literary Junkies: October 2013 (posted October 15)
1. Semi-Charmed Autumn 2013 Book Challenge (posted September 25)

In case you missed it: I shared my trip to the Portuguese island of Terceira for Travel Tuesday and posted a recap of my participation in Fat Mum Slim's photo-a-day challenge in September. Plus, The Lady Okie featured me in part IV of her series about how to start running! Thanks, Amanda! :)

image via Fill The Silence
Note: I apologize none of your lovely blogs are featured this week. I'm sadly behind on my Bloglovin' feed, so here are a couple interesting "newsy" stories I've shared on Twitter in the past week:

>> Was I the last person to hear about this Home Alone-esque real-life travel story? (Conde Nast Traveler)

>> Regardless of how you feel about the people selected to be on the college football playoff committee, I thought Condoleezza Rice had a great answer to the criticism about her inclusion. (ESPN)

So tell me: What would you like to see in my future monthly recaps? I'm planning on including all the above categories, plus search terms used to find my blog (I did this is my initial weekly recaps, but I found the list barely changed from week to week) and where most of my traffic came from that month. What else am I missing?


  1. Seriously, who isn't behind on their blog reading? This is why people should NOT post every day. I don't have time for that!

  2. I think this format would be perfect for a monthly post as well!

  3. I love this! You've inspired me to try it out next week! Maybe throw in some of my "best of" posts once a month?!?!

  4. I am so behind on my blog reading too haha


I love hearing your thoughts! Please make sure your email address is linked to your profile, or that you include your email address/blog url in the comment so I can respond. :) Also, I've had to turn off anonymous comments due to spam problems. Sorry about that!