Now that I'm in my mid-20s, I still don't wear make-up on a daily (or even regular) basis. Want to know why?

photo via Jorg Weingrill on Flickr
I'm lazy.
Yup, I said it. I wish I could say it's because I feel beautiful without make-up, or because I'm confident of my inner beauty, or because I accept my imperfections, or some other awesome feel-good thing, but the cold, hard truth is that I am lazy.
I would rather spend ten extra minutes in bed than put on make-up.
Because I don't wear make-up often, when I do wear it I'm constantly worried about: "Oh, did I smudge something there? Is my sweat making my foundation look weird? Do I have to reapply my lipstick now?"
I would rather get compliments on how "nice" I look when I spontaneously dab on some tinted moisturizer and lip gloss to go to work than have people ask me what's wrong if I decided not to wear make-up one day.
Also, when I say I don't wear make-up, I feel like I have to clarify that I don't wear any cosmetics. Except chapstick. And (non-tinted) face moisturizer, if you're lucky. I didn't realize until recently that when I say "I don't wear make-up," most people think I just wear foundation and mascara, or some other low-key combination. Nope, I mean zilch. Zip. Nada.
Here are some examples of times in the past year I have worn make-up: For my wedding. For my bridal shower. For a job interview. For another job interview. For my bachelorette party. For a friend's wedding (that I was part of). For ... hmm. I think that might be it. Maybe one night out at the bars, if I was feeling really sassy.
Now, this isn't to say I have anything against make-up. I know a lot of people who wear make-up on a daily basis, and that's great for them. I know I look a lot better when I take the time to put my face on, I'm just too lazy to do it. ;) Wearing make-up is a personal choice, and as long as you feel beautiful and confident, I would support you going barefaced, or wearing green eyeshadow and red lipstick, or choosing a look anywhere in between.
What's your make-up regimen? Do you wear it daily? Only for special occasions? Somewhere in between? Why? I'd love to hear your relationship with cosmetics in the comments below; I'm genuinely curious!
Linking up with Nicole for Treat Yo'Self Thursday.
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