
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Week in Review: 09.07.2013

This week included a lot of celebrations: Labor Day with my dad and sister, who I hadn't seen in months; my nine-year anniversary with my fiance; finally accepting a job offer in my new city; and my half-birthday! I have to say, it was a pretty good week. Here are a few glimpses:

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

5. Cityscape on Camera: Rome & Vatican City, Italy (posted September 3)
4. Semi-Charmed Summer 2013 Book Challenge (posted June 24)
3. Summer 2013 Book Challenge: Month 2 (posted September 1)
2. Advice Needed: Stylish Walking Shoes for Europe (posted March 13) 
1. 24 Before 24 (posted September 5)

In case you missed it: I recapped my August #fmsphotoaday challenge on Instagram here.

5. "banned books week 2013" (Yippee! Check back tomorrow for a full post about my upcoming photo challenge.)
4. "autumn outfits pinterest" (Wait, what? A fashion query led you here??? Hope you weren't disappointed haha.)
3. "stylish walking shoes for europe"
2. "best european walking shoes"
1. "semi charmed kind of life blog" (I wonder if they were really looking for mine?)

And just for fun, the rest of the terms in my top ten list all had to do with shoes for Europe.

Photo via @mcstroup on Instagram
>> Seema from lovee, seems recommended four fabulous fall books in her guest post for me yesterday.

>> I find language so fascinating. If you're like me, you'll love this list of 11 foreign words that cannot be directly translated to English. Bonus: They're illustrated! (discovery credit: Cup of Jo)

>> You know how sometimes you're looking at Pinterest and you just want to find a money tree and rip down everything in your house and start over? Sarah captured those feelings exactly with this hilarious post (complete with funny photos!).

>> Are you a procrastinator (like me)? Try this two-minute productivity rule from Jess of Stamp in My Passport.

How was your week? Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Happy anniversary to you and your man! Nine years! Wow! That's awesome!

  2. Clearly it is safe to say you had an absolutely fabulous week! Congrats on the new job!! Thanks for the link love :)

  3. Happy belated Anniversary AND congrats on the new job!! I hope this week is as amazing as last week :)


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