I believe there should always be an answer to the question, "What are you reading?"
I believe stress is a waste of potentially productive energy. (Can you do something about it? Good, then do that. You can't do anything about it? Then stop stressing—you can't do anything anyway!)
I believe sneezing while driving is terrifying.
I believe small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas. (Thanks for the wisdom, E! Although the actual origin of this quote seems to be unknown.)
I believe no text message is worth a car accident.
I believe pockets make me 17 times more likely to buy any dress.
I believe there are two types of people in this world: those who have read Harry Potter and those who haven't.
I believe if you start a sentence with "No offense but ..." or "I don't mean to sound racist but ..." whatever you are about to say probably is offensive, racist, etc.
I believe people who "don't like to read" just haven't found the right book yet.
I believe everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, but not all opinions are created equal.
What do you believe?? Do you agree (or respectfully disagree) with any of my beliefs listed here?
Please grab the button above and/or link back to myself and Amanda so other bloggers can join the fun, and add your "I believe ..." link below! The link will be open for one week, so if you link up early, be sure to check back in a few days and see what other bloggers have added. Happy Monday!
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