
Friday, August 30, 2013

Saying goodbye to guilty (dis)pleasures.

We all have guilty pleasures. Here are some of mine: America's Next Top Model reruns. Statement necklaces. McDonald's sweet tea.

But do you have any guilty displeasures? Whereas guilty pleasures make you feel pleasure despite your guilt, guilty displeasures don't even give you pleasure! They just make you feel plain bad about yourself, but they're so bad you can't look away no matter how hard you try. I have quite a few of these:

Fifty Shades of Grey: Ugh. Don't even get me started on this embarrassment of a series. I swore I wouldn't pick up the second book when I was about halfway through the first, but then I found myself placing a hold at the library for Fifty Shades Darker. I will proudly say that I refused to spend any money on these books, and it took me a good five months to finish the third one. So it was obviously riveting. I wish I could abandon books (and/or series).

Speaking of which, I can tell ttyl is probably going to another series like Fifty Shades for me. I really didn't enjoy the first book, but there are three in the series and they will all count toward the Banned Book Challenge I'm participating in, so I'll probably read them all.... At least these are quick reads that won't take up more than a few hours of my total lifetime.

One Tree Hill: I watched nine. freaking. seasons. of this show. And I didn't even enjoy it. I'll admit I enjoyed Haley and Nathan a little bit. But just a little. And not even during every season.

Pretty Little Liars: The jury is still out on this one. To be completely honest, I can't tell if this is a guilty displeasure or just a guilty pleasure I'm really ashamed of. Sometimes I can't wait to click "next episode" on Netflix, but most of the time I'm just left thinking, "I didn't even learn anything new. Why did I watch that?"

So what prompted this post, you might ask? I recently said goodbye to one of my guilty displeasures: 90210.

After finishing up season three of PLL on Netflix while I was lounging around last week recovering from my oral surgery, I started watching season four of 90210 because it was in my queue. But then I said: No more! I don't even like this show! Why am I going to keep watching it, hoping it gets cancelled (like I did with OTH) when I could just walk away now? So I did. I deleted it from my instant queue. Take that, 90210! (Applause welcome.) Oh, and I watched bad Mandy Moore movies instead. :) Guilty pleasure.

Considering I finally finished Fifty Shades and will be done with ttyl soon, and OTH is no longer on air, I think I can safely eradicate all my guilty displeasures from my life and focus on wasting time with my guilty pleasures, as long as I don't get sucked into starting another crappy television show on Netflix. And like I said, the jury is still out on PLL.

So spill: What are your guilty displeasures? Feel free to share your guilty pleasures, as well! This is a judgement-free zone. :)


  1. Haha, I have some of those, too and OTH is one of them. I just started watching on Netflix and am on season 3, I want to stop watching it but it's like a train wreck, I can't look away. I have never picked up 50 shades and never will, I learned my lesson with Twilight lol

  2. I have a list on the wellness doer of 100 simple pleasures of mine and there are a few "displeasures" on there! Love this <3

  3. The Real Housewives Series

    *shame face*

    I just can't help myself y'all! They are all a hot entertaining mess!

  4. Someone gave me the first 50 Shades book, and although I was tempted, I just couldn't so I donated it to the library.
    My (dis)pleasure was probably watching all the Kardashian nonsense, but that went away when I gave up TV 2 year ago.

  5. Someone gave me the first 50 Shades book, and although I was tempted, I just couldn't so I donated it to the library.
    My (dis)pleasure was probably watching all the Kardashian nonsense, but that went away when I gave up TV 2 year ago.

  6. I watched OTH to the end just because I had watched it for so many years I felt I had too. I was around for the original 90210 and felt I had to watch what came out a few years ago too. I never thought of it as guilty displeasures but you are so right.

  7. LMAO 50 Shades guilty pleasure made me laugh out loud. I was so annoyed while reading the first one, alas my boyfriend actually bought the second one while we were on vacation a week ago. We've been reading it little by little. Please don't tell anyone lol!

  8. Secret Life of the American Teenager... *hangs head in shame*

  9. What a great way to describe this! I definitely have those things in my life. Glee became that show for me. The first two seasons, I enjoyed. After! Yet, I continued to watch it! I'm also like that with some music. I sit there and listen to it thinking "I don't like this song" but I don't stop listening.

  10. Hahaha this is hilarious!! One Tree Hill was always a guilty PLEASURE for me. I discovered so much amazing music on that show, and I really love many of the actors. The last couple seasons were tough to get through, but I couldn't stop after years of dedication!

  11. One of my displeasures was all the Kardashian shows but I'm happy to say I've been clean for 2.5 years now haha

  12. I get really attached to TV shows even if they get completely awful. I think it's because I just really want to know how it's all going to end. But it's actually painful getting to the end sometimes cause they suck so bad and yet I watch anyway. Glee. Gossip Girl. Secret Life of the American Teenager. EVERY EPISODE OF WIFE SWAP EVER! I completely hate them, but I can't stop watching. My husband doesn't even know I watch some of these things. It's too embarrassing so I watch while he's at work. The shame!


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