
Friday, March 8, 2013

How to Celebrate International Women's Day

In honor of International Women's Day and National Ritual Celebration Week, I wanted to share a very important organization with my readers today. I've been meaning to blog about this for a while, and today seemed like the perfect day.

As you probably know if you read my blog, I am a sorority woman. A few years ago, several sorority alumnae came together to create Circle of Sisterhood, an organization that raises money and awareness to help remove barriers to education for women around the world. When I was a junior at the University of Missouri, I had the opportunity to help start our very own chapter of the Circle of Sisterhood, so it is an organization I am personally invested in and proud of. If you have two minutes and 38 seconds and want to know more, please watch this video.

"Our mission: The Circle of Sisterhood Foundation will leverage the collective wisdom and influence of sorority women to support entities around the world that remove educational barriers for girls and women, uplifting them from poverty and oppression."

What can you (and I) do to help this organization flourish and continue to provide opportunities to our sisters around the world? We can donate, tweet, educate ourselves and others, and be grateful for all the opportunities and privileges we have as women in first-world countries, including whatever device you're using to read this post. (And, of course, support of this organization is not limited to sorority women!)

I know I don't often promote other services/organizations on this blog, so I hope you didn't mind this post today and that it shows you how much I really do believe in this organization. If you've made it this far, thanks for reading, and hug a woman who means a lot to you today. Thank you all for being such important women and friends in my life!

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