
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I'm back!

Hello all! I can't believe I've only written one non-SCSBC post in the past two weeks. After two weeks on the east coast, I'm finally back in California and hoping to make blogging (and blog reading) a priority this week before I jet back to Atlanta again for more job training. Here's a quick review of my stint in Atlanta at the end of June:

I flew to Atlanta on June 25 to begin job training for my new position as an Alpha Delta Pi Leadership Consultant, which included attending our biannual national leadership seminar. I was also privileged to attend this seminar as an emerging leader for my chapter two years ago, so it was neat being back at the same hotel with many of the same programs and facilitators. I wrote about my experience with the IMPACT program two years ago on the ADPi Leadership Seminar blog here if you want more details.

The 2012-2013 Leadership Consultants for Alpha Delta Pi. (I'm in the yellow dress.)

As an incoming LC this year, I went through the other program offered at Leadership Seminar: the Adelphean Compass. We also squeezed in some extra training sessions before the seminar, which you can read about in my second post for the Leadership Seminar blog. After the conference ended on Sunday, we had another day and a half of training to learn about expansion, or the process through which a sorority seeks to establish a new chapter at a university. Although I was pretty absent from my social media during the week, I did try to keep up on my Instagram:

My name tag at the end of the conference.

Each year, the incoming Leadership Consultants get special "Violet Sisters" — an outgoing LC who provides support for the new consultant throughout the year. On the first day of the conference, my Violet Sister sent me an anonymous violet, which I was ecstatic about. But I had to wait until Sunday morning for our Violet Sister reveal, and I was so excited to find out mine is Brett! I assumed they had chosen their Violet Sisters because Brett and I are so similar, but they actually picked our names out of a hat. I couldn't be happier that she chose my name. :)

On Saturday, we traveled to Macon, Georgia, to learn about our sorority's history. I actually visited last year when I was an intern, but it was fun to share this experience with the chapter advisors and other LCs. Left: My chapter advisor from Mizzou and me in front of our founder's portrait at The Cannonball House. Right: Me with two other incoming consultants in the fountain at Wesleyan.

Finally, I was also featured on the Being Greek blog created by The Observant Turtle's Whitney last week. Check it out here.

What have you been up to this summer? Stay tuned for a recap of my lakeside Fourth of July holiday to be posted later this week.


  1. Sounds like fun! Can't wait to hear about your 4th.

  2. Seeing your convention pictures make me wish I was back at the ZTA convention! Such an amazing experience! Have a great rest of the week!


I love hearing your thoughts! Please make sure your email address is linked to your profile, or that you include your email address/blog url in the comment so I can respond. :) Also, I've had to turn off anonymous comments due to spam problems. Sorry about that!