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Photo via friends, lovers & chocolate |
- Momma Sunshine @ Cross-Stitching Diva — 200 (DONE: First finisher.)
- Heather @ A Cupcake Love Affair — 200 (DONE: Second finisher.)
- Cristina @ Bonjour, Je M'appelle Cristina — 150
- Nova @ My Seryniti — 140
- Stacey @ Stacey's Daze —105
- Megan @ Semi-Charmed Kind of Life (host) — 100
- Jessica @ Sweet Green Tangerine — 85
- Jessica @ Eternally Enlisted —80
- Joslin @ Joslin as Mrs. Williams — 80
- Jo @ In Which We Start Anew — 75
- Sarah @ Books, Jeans, and Awesome — 70
- Hannah on Goodreads — 65
- Erinn @ It's the Journey — 60
- Karstrel @ Infusions of Wit From an Everyday Girl — 60
- Jen @ Grown in Southern Ground — 50
- Book Dragon @ Book Dragon's Lair — 45
- Lindsay @ Lindsay in Progress —45
- Kevin @ The Blog of the System — 45
- Kelsey @ All-American Girl Living the Dream — 40
- Jennifer S. — 35
- Abby S. on Goodreads — 35
- Amy @ Delightful Witticisms — 35
- Pinar @ Pinuccia's World of Books — 35
- Tina @ Like Ordinary Life — 30
- Gabs @ Novel Ideas — 30
- Jenna @ Cannery Row Reads — 25
- Amanda @ Down to Sanity — 20
- Becky Ingle — 20
- Jessica @ Random Thoughts — 20
- Darlene @ Darlene's Book Nook — 20
- Reading After Bedtime — 20
- Amanda @ Amanda's Weekly Zen — 15
- Annie @ Explanniefyfed — 15
- Michelle @ Book Crazy — 15
- Rebecca @ Garrulous and Bookish —15
- Scribacchina @ Parole/Words — 15
- Angie @ Angels are Kids and Furkids — 10
- Katrina @ Elements of Fun — 10
- Patty @ Pitter from Patty — 10
- Sarah @ The Roaring Twenties — 10
- Erin J. on Goodreads — 5
- Amanda @ Words From My Heart — 0
- TiggerRD @ Hooks, Needles and Brushes — 0
- Caroline @ Carenpants — 0
- Laura Swan — 0
- Michelle @ The True Book Addict — 0
20 points: Read a pair of books that have antonyms in the titles. — Odd Thomas, Dean Koontz (461 pages), and Plainsong, Kent Haruf (301 pages)I'm currently reading Fifty Shades Darker as my book I've heard bad things about. I didn't like the first one, and my mom said the second one is even worse, so I definitely think that qualifies as a bad thing.
Please update me on your progress in a comment on this post. I usually don't write the scoreboard post until Saturday, so as long as you check in by Friday I should have your most up-to-date score on the board. If you forget to check in one week, no worries! Just catch yourself up on the next week's check-in. If you just joined the challenge, welcome! Please feel free to include all books you've read since May 1 that were at least 200 pages long. You can review the full list of rules here. Good luck!
This week I read "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak (540 pages) from the U.S. 2012 World Book Night
Previous points: 65
Current Points: 70
I finished "Zeitoun" (SO GOOD) for the World Book Night category and started "Shoeless Joe" for the birth year category.
Previous points: 45
Current Points: 50
Congrats to those who completed!!
I finished To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee pp. 284 for the book I never read in school. Starting The Hobbit.
Previous points: 105
Current points: 115
I'm currently reading 50 Shades Darker for my trilogy category. This is the second book in the trilogy.
You will hate 50 Shades Darker (especially based off of your review of the first one). I, like you, have the need-to-know disorder and continued reading after the first, but I have zero interest in completing the series now. I think this is the first time that has ever happened to me!
I had some personal things going on this week, so I didn't get anything read unfortunately.
Also, I was waiting for my sniffles to go away so I could start The Stand. LOL Don't want to read that sick!!
Here's to next week... Congrats to those who have finished already!
Read this week:
1. Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult - 466 pages (book set in place I have always wanted to visit - New England)
2. Bossypants by Tina Fey - 263 pages (book in one calendar day - yay plane rides/long car trips)
3. The Help by Kathryn Stockett - 522 pages (book about which I've heard bad things)
4. Misery by Stephen King - 338 pages (book where movie based on it came out in my birth year)
Previous points: 20
New total: 105
I keep forgetting to check in as I finish books! Here's what I've finished so far:
(10) An audio recording of a memoir -- Spycraft: the secret history of the CIA's spytechs
from Communism to Al-Qaeda / Robert Wallace and H. Keith Melton
(15) Read a book in one calendar day, 13 hours to be exact! -- Twilight / Stephenie Meyer
(25) Find a book written the year you were born that was later made into a movie. Read the book and watch the movie; compare -- Clear and Present Danger / Tom Clancy
And I'm currently working on three books in a series by finishing up the Twilight series! I can't believe it's taken me this long to read them! I'm also listening to Ten Big Ones by Janet Evanovich and looking for a book with "little" in the title... Any ideas?
Total points: 50
Finishers, already? Wow! Congratulations, both of you!
I'm still at the same point, I've read the first book for my trilogy, Hunger Games, but that alone won't get me points :-) And the book set in Australia was lost in the mail :-( I'll just keep reading.
I have not posted my progress- I have been so busy but I did read and all of these books were reviewed on my blog unless otherwise stated:
The Thin Man by Dashiell Hammett (no review for this one) and that was a book I wanted to read for a long time (I love the movies) but I won't count it because I also read The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde and I did review it so that's 15 points.
and I read (I hope this counts) The Enemy by Charlie Higson and A Little Friendly Advice by Siobhan Vivian as the antonym books 20 points.
A book I read for a place I have never been but want to visit is The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows which is 20 Points.
Previous points: 15
Total Points: 70 Points
I also finished A Queer and Pleasant Danger by Kate Bornstein for the memoir category.
Total points: 115
I finally finished my trilogy...Fifty Shades of I Can't Believe I Read These Books. Believe me, if it weren't for this book challenge, I would have given up somewhere during the second book. The third one was by far the worst (sorry, Megan, I misled you that the second one was bad since I hadn't yet read the third one.) So, I believe that is another 30 points for a total of 40 points. But, I think I should get something like 100 for actually slogging through them!
I finished reading The Color Purple this week!
Previous Points: 150
Current Points: 160
Finished -- Lisey's Story by Stephen King (A book that is set in a place you’ve wanted to visit)
Previous: 140
Current: 160
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