Friday, March 9, 2012

51. See my name on the masthead of a national magazine.

Alright y'all, it's been hard to hold this in for the past two weeks, but I wanted to wait until the April issue was on newsstands before I shared this. (On my blog, that is. Of course it was up on Twitter the day I got my office copy.)

That's me! Four lines down from the OUTSIDE ONLINE heading. I might be just a lowly intern, but I got my name on the masthead, so I've crossed off #51 on my to-do list. Yippee! Also, it happened to be the travel issue, so I'm telling myself that's a good omen for my future career path. Right?


Jamie said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful posts and very nice blog! Congrats on your work!
Perhaps you'd like to follow each other?:)
Fashionhypnotised girl

Megan said...

Thank you! :)

Megan said...

Thank you! And I'm headed over to check your blog out right now. I always like finding new things to read. :)

Meghan said...

That is way too cool! Congrats!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

Congrats, that is amazing!

Mama said...

Awesome! Congrats!

Jessica Bucher said...

Congrats! That is awesome!