
Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday's Fancies: Week 2

Today's Friday's Fancies theme is Spring Fever! Hop over to {long distance loving} to see what other bloggers did this week.

1. I'd been eyeing this gorgeous coral blazer on Pinterest for a while now, so it was only natural I would build my spring outfit around it.
2. Who doesn't love an eyelet dress for the springtime?
3. Isn't this ring breathtaking?
4. These bangles offer the perfect bridge between my blazer and my ring.
5. Because I already had a colorful jacket and bold accessories, I decided to keep the shoes muted. I appreciate a pair of nice, simple flats most days.


  1. I picked that blazer too :) Its from Topshop :)
    Love your outfit - nice and fresh!
    Nadiine @ freebird.

  2. I love that coral blazer- especially contrasted with a feminine white dress. xx

  3. NEED tha blazer. ASAP! ha love that color! perfect staple to any neutral outfit for spring!

    Happy weekend

  4. I LOVE THAT DRESS & want it.... pretty please? haha...

    cute finds! Have a fun weekend!!

    Nicole Rene

  5. LOVE your look. I used the same blazer- obsessed! Love that you have a raeding challenge too, I am always looking for new books. I have been on a roll with reading in 2012 and really need to post about it!

    1. Yes, the reading challenges are seriously the best! I've already read as many books this year as I did all of last year. Then again, I also just graduated, so it's nice to be able to read a novel just for fun. :) Let me know if you decide to do one so I can follow along!

  6. that coral blazer is stunning!! What a great pick for your spring outfit, totally loving it

  7. I did a post last week with a pink blazer and white lace dress, so I'm loving this outfit. I really like the coral color of this one.

    1. I went and checked out your post - it is very similar! I love the white Tibi dress you included near the end.

  8. Swinging by from the #FF link-up. A few things:

    1) I'm now following your awesome blog :)
    2) Love, love, love the outfit.
    3) I TOTALLY agree about Les Mis and the casting decisions.


  9. I love this outfit so much! I used the blazer as well for my Friday's Fancies post today! The touch of orange is just fabulous. I am so glad I came across your blog...darling! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and Happy Friday!!
    Twirling Clare


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