
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

30-Day Book Challenge: Day 5

Day 5 – A book that makes me happy

Image via Google Images

Sadly, while thinking of all the books I have read and enjoyed, all of them were sad (or at least not categorically "happy"). But then I remembered this little gem: Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss. I received a copy of this book for my high school graduation, and what a perfect graduation gift it is! The message is timeless, so it could work for a kindergarten graduation all the way through college. When donating the vast majority of my book collection to the local library after I left for college, this is one of the books that made the cut into the box marked, "Books for Megan's Kids," now sitting in storage for one day in the future. If you haven't read it yet - do! It will take you ten minutes, tops, and I promise it's worth it.

Edited to add: I used this post for Jessica's Book Chat link-up on January 10, 2013. Click the button below to see more posts!

Have you ever received this book as a gift? I actually got two copies for graduation, so it must be a popular gift!

1 comment:

  1. This one's a traditional gift from my grandparents when we turn 16!


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