photo via @megtristao
It's time for the next installment of the Semi-Charmed Book Challenge series! Whether you are a newcomer to the challenge or a repeat reader, I am excited to have you here today. If you are a veteran, I've changed around some things with this challenge to make is less work and more fun for everyone (I hope!), so be sure to continue reading after the jump for the summer challenge rules and categories:
General rules:
- The challenge will run from June 1, 2016, to August 31, 2016. No books that are started before 12 a.m. on June 1 or finished after 11:59 p.m. on August 31 will count.
- Each book must be at least 150 pages long. Audiobooks and large-print books are fine, as long as the regular print version meets the length requirement.
- A book can only be used for one category, and each category can only be completed once.
- The highest possible total is 200 points, and the first five people who finish the challenge will be invited to contribute a category for the winter 2016 challenge.
And now for the exciting part: the challenge categories!
5 points: Freebie! Read any book that is at least 150 pages long.
10 points: Read a collection of short stories or essays. They may all be written by the same author, or the book may be an anthology from different writers; your choice!
10 points: Read an adult fiction book written by an author who normally writes books for children. Examples: J. K. Rowling, Judy Blume, Suzanne Collins, Rick Riordan, etc. - Submitted by SCWBC15 finisher Kelly E.
15 points: Read a book set in Appalachia. - Submitted by SCWBC15 finisher Ericka B. (Try this list or this one for inspiration. And here’s a map if you have a book in mind and want to know if it fits the setting.)
15 points: Don’t judge a book by its cover! Read a book with a cover you personally find unappealing.
20 points: Read a book that you have previously only seen the film (movie) of. - Submitted by SCWBC15 finisher Bevchen.
25 points: Read a book with a punny title. The title can be a play on another book title, movie title or a common expression. Examples of such titles include Southern Discomfort, We'll Always Have Parrots or Bonefire of the Vanities. - Submitted by SCWBC15 finisher Jamie G.
30 points: Read a microhistory. (Try this list or this one for ideas.)
30 points: Read one book with a good word in the title, and one with a bad word. Note: This category is reeeeeeeally open-ended! Maybe you like turtles, so The Pearl that Broke Its Shell is a title with a "good" word. Similarly, the "bad" word could be a swear word or a literally negative word like “not” or “none,” or it could just be something you don’t like. Have fun with it! (Remember, you must read both books to get 30 points; this category is not worth 15 points per book.)
40 points: Read two books that contain the same word in the title, but once in the singular and once in the plural. For example: Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter and The Girl in the Red Coat by Kate Hamer, or Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff and The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner. (Remember, you must read both books to get 40 points; this category is not worth 20 points per book.)
How to keep track: I will no longer be posting monthly check-in posts. Instead, please track your books any way you like throughout the three months. When you finish the entire challenge, please comment on this post with your list of books and point totals, so I know which five readers get to submit a category for the next challenge. :)
Although you no longer need to "check in" with your points every month, I will still be posting on the first of each month with a link-up option for those of you who like to post updates on your own blog or Goodreads. (This is not required; it is just for fun! You do not have to have a blog or a Goodreads account to participate in this challenge.)
If you would like to create a preliminary reading list for the challenge, feel free to link up your list at the bottom of this post. (See an example list here.) A preliminary post is not mandatory to join the challenge, and you can always change which books you want to read, but it is a good way to see what other people are planning to read and get some ideas for categories you might be stuck on.
Please feel free to share the below button and/or the hashtag #SCSBC16 on your blog, Twitter, Instagram, etc., to get the word out! Also feel free to mention me so I can see how you're doing (@megtristao on Twitter and Instagram).

Thanks for joining in, and good luck!
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