
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Week in Review: 08.17.2013

Another week, another recap post! After looking at my post from last week, I decided my Instagram design took up too much space, but I'm definitely going to try to incorporate the stamp design elsewhere on the blog. (Maybe on my "Travel" page, which needs some severe reworking!) Other than that, the format is pretty much the same for now. I'd still love to hear your feedback and suggestions in the comments as I continue to improve this weekly feature.

I have to admit, I'm often surprised about which of my Instagram photos are the most popular. I was personally pretty proud of this picture last week, but I think the moral of this story is people like to see "healthy" pictures (e.g. running shoes + Jamba Juice!).

5. The Book Chat: Memoirs & Autobiographies (posted August 15)
4. Countryscape on Camera: Lavaux Vineyard Terraces, Switzerland (posted August 13)
3. Semi-Charmed Summer 2013 Book Challenge (posted June 24)
2. Week in Review (posted August 12)
1. Advice Needed: Stylish Walking Shoes for Europe (posted March 13)

I noticed my post about which shoes to wear in Europe is still the most-visited page on my blog, even after several months, so for anyone who is wondering: I went with Sperry's. :) In fact, the only other shoes I packed were sneakers and shower flip-flops.

5. "best date night rapid city" (which probably led them here ... glad I could help plan a romantic evening!)
4. "walking shoes for europe"
3. "stylish walking shoes"
2. "miserable world what one has learned" (geez that's nice ... I'm guessing it took them to this post)
1. "semi charmed blog"

>> "Unplugging" seems to be a popular topic on my Bloglovin' feed lately, but Jen's post on The Things I Learned From was one of my favorites this past week. I think I'm pretty good about keeping my phone put away during meals (unless, of course, I need to check in on Foursquare or snap a quick Instagram! Or google the answer to a question posed to the group ...) but I know I could still be better about putting my phone away when in good company.

>> I finally read The Fault in Our Stars, and I actually had quite a bit to say about it. You can read my Goodreads review here.

>> If you're in the mood for some good gifs, Buzzfeed's "17 Problems Only Book Lovers Will Understand" takes the cake.

>> Finally, Mashable combined Disney princesses and Instagram to create one of my favorite faux social media trends of all time.

I actually made a pretty delicious pasta salad for a surprise picnic for Jonathan today, but that will get its own post later in the week. (I know, I know—a cooking post?? Gasp!)

How was your week? I've also been working on a special project that will take place next month, and I think it's finished! It is of a literary nature, so I'll be revealing that project with my Book Chat post on Thursday. I hope you all can participate, or at least follow along! :) Be sure to check back to get all the details.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for pointing out the article on unplugging. I admit I used to be there with the phone checking all the time!

    Tanya Patrice


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