
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Summer Book Challenge: Final Post!

First: My apologies for being late with this final check-in! I am interested to see how many categories everyone was able to get to and hear your feedback on the challenge. Second: Several of you have already asked if I am doing another book challenge (thanks for your support!). I would love to, but my blogging has obviously fallen by the wayside lately so I don't know if I would be a good hostess. I am considering creating a challenge without the weekly updates. I might do monthly check-ins or I might just ask at the end of the challenge what you were able to read. Would any participants be interested in that?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and please also update me on your final point tally. Check in on this post by Saturday, September 8, if you want your final score announced on Sunday. (Scribacchina and Darlene, I saw that you posted your final results on another post and I will update the final list accordingly!) Please only count books that you finished at or before 11:59 p.m. on September 1. :)
  1. Momma Sunshine @ Cross-Stitching Diva — 200 (DONE: First finisher.)
  2. Heather @ A Cupcake Love Affair — 200 (DONE: Second finisher.)
  3. Nova @ My Seryniti — 200 (DONE: Third finisher.)
  4. Cristina @ Bonjour, Je M'appelle Cristina — 200 (DONE: Fourth finisher.)
  5. Hannah on Goodreads — 200 (DONE: Fifth finisher.)
  6. Amanda @ Down to Sanity — 175  
  7. Scribacchina @ Parole/Words — 170
  8. Megan @ Semi-Charmed Kind of Life (host) — 145 
  9. Lindsay @ Lindsay in Progress — 145  
  10. Joslin @ Joslin as Mrs. Williams — 140 
  11. TiggerRD on Goodreads — 125  
  12. Stacey @ Stacey's Daze —115
  13. Jessica @ Sweet Green Tangerine — 105   
  14. Jessica @ Eternally Enlisted —100
  15. Darlene @ Darlene's Book Nook — 95  
  16. Book Dragon @ Book Dragon's Lair — 80 
  17. Laura Swan — 80
  18. Karstrel @ Infusions of Wit From an Everyday Girl — 80
  19. Jo @ In Which We Start Anew — 75 
  20. Pinar @ Pinuccia's World of Books — 75
  21. Rebecca @ Garrulous and Bookish — 70
  22. Sarah @ Books, Jeans, and Awesome — 70
  23. Reading After Bedtime — 60
  24. Erinn @ It's the Journey — 60 
  25. Jessica @ Random Thoughts — 55  
  26. Amanda @ Words From My Heart — 55 
  27. Gabs @ Novel Ideas — 50
  28. Amy @ Delightful Witticisms — 50
  29. Jen @ Grown in Southern Ground — 50 
  30. Michelle @ Book Crazy — 45
  31. Kevin @ The Blog of the System — 45 
  32. Sarah @ The Roaring Twenties — 40
  33. Annie @ Explanniefyfed — 40
  34. Angie @ Angels are Kids and Furkids — 40 
  35. Patty @ Pitter from Patty — 40
  36. Kelsey @ All-American Girl Living the Dream — 40 
  37. Jennifer S. — 35
  38. Abby S. on Goodreads — 35
  39. Tina @ Like Ordinary Life — 30
  40. Jenna @ Cannery Row Reads — 25
  41. Becky Ingle — 20
  42. Amanda @ Amanda's Weekly Zen — 15
  43. Sary @ Some People Use Their Imagination — 15
  44. Whitney @ The Observant Turtle — 10
  45. Katrina @ Elements of Fun — 10 
  46. Erin J. on Goodreads — 5
  47. Caroline @ Carenpants — 0
  48. Michelle @ The True Book Addict — 0


  1. As of September 1, I managed to reach only 145 points :(

    It's not easy to host challenges but I'd be happy to participate in any other challenge you'll be hosting.

    Thanks a lot and warm greetings from Ankara, Turkey.

  2. I did REALLY bad! I only completed one task. #4 = 15 points Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde review:

    I might try again next year if you host again. I finally got a job over the summer and the adjustment really cut into my reading. Thanks for hosting!

  3. Here's my wrap-up post:

    I loved the challenge, Megan! I completed 5/11 tasks and almost hit the half-way mark in points: 95/200.

    I loved your creative task ideas, and I have to admit that I forgot a lot of times to do the weekly check-ins. A monthly check in or even just a wrap-up post with a link at the end of the challenge would work for me!

    What about if you had a review linky for the challenge set up so that we could go there and link up as we completed each task? That would eliminate your work as hostess with running check-ins.

    I hope you'll consider running a winter challenge, maybe after Christmas, in Jan to Feb?

    Thanks again for hosting!

  4. 175 points for me, but I read 17.5 books for the challenge.
    The hardest category for me was the trilogy because I couldn't find a trilogy I liked (the half is for the 50 Shades of Grey...couldn't even finish it because the writing was so horrible). I would start book one of a series, only to not care about continuing the next book--except for the Ally Condie Matched series, but the problem there is that I didn't realize the third book wasn't going to be published until the fall--doh!

    Here is what I earned for each category:
    5 points: Read a book chosen for the U.S. 2012 World Book Night. PEACE LIKE A RIVER
    10: Read a book you were supposed to read in school, but either bailed on or Cliff-Noted. FRANNY AND ZOOEY
    10: Read a memoir or narrative nonfiction book. WILD
    15: Read a book in one calendar day. CALICO JOE
    15: Read a book that you've always wanted to read but haven't gotten around to yet. ZEN AND THE ART OF RUNNING
    20: Read a pair of books that have antonyms in the titles. BEFORE & PLEASE LOOK AFTER MOM
    20: Read a book that is set in a place you've never been but want to visit. LONDON TRANSPORTS
    25: Go into a bookstore or library. Pick any bookshelf. Read the third book from the left on the fourth shelf from the top.LEGEND IN GREEN VELVET
    25: Read a book about which you’ve heard bad things. I WANT TO TELL YOU (by OJ Simpson)
    30: Read a trilogy (or any three consecutive books in a series).
    Oh, so much trouble here finding a series I liked...and the reason I have more books than qualify for the challenge, but didn't actually complete the challenge. I probably should have focused on the one of my birth year, which later became a movie - would have been a huge 25 points! I did check it out from the library for three weeks, but had too many others out at that time and didn't get around to this one...was wasting my time on 4.5 other books that wouldn't qualify. LOL

    Thanks for a fun challenge! Stretched me from my comfort zone - wish I'd started on time as I might have finished then. Monthly check-in definitely works for me because I'd like to do this again. I'd mix up the challenges though to something new--the birth year one was actually really hard as I only had a couple of titles to choose from and felt limited and not so inspired. The challenge could stay the same of having a book turned into a movie, but maybe not limited to the reader's birth year. Also, I'd love to see a category with the word, "Home" in it. I liked the Opposites challenge and would find that interesting again, also the one with a specific book from a library or bookstore shelf. I'm trying to think of other ideas, but those ones are all I have in mind currently.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oops, titles left off...
      BEFORE (in opposites) should be THE DAY BEFORE.

      And the trilogy I *finally* got through was the Shiver series by Maggie Stiefvater.

  5. Wow, I was lame on this. I'm sort of like TiggerRD because I got hung up on the series. I was already one book in and then decided I had to finish to get the points and really REALLY disliked it (yes, 50 Shades). SO bad.

    Plus, I read Animal Farm for the book that I should have read in high school and then discovered it wasn't long enough to qualify.

    All poor excuses since I was nowhere close to finishing anyway! I love the bookshelf category. It was like a grab bag prize. Not sure what I was going to get.

    I vote for a winter version with monthly check-in. Happy reading from Switzerland!


  7. This was fantastic!! Thank you soooo much for doing this!! It was a ton of fun!


I love hearing your thoughts! Please make sure your email address is linked to your profile, or that you include your email address/blog url in the comment so I can respond. :) Also, I've had to turn off anonymous comments due to spam problems. Sorry about that!