
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bookworm humor.

It's time to link up with Jessica at Sweet Green Tangerine for her weekly book chat! The theme this week is "funny book/character," and though I don't often read funny books (remember how hard it was for me to find a "book that makes me happy"?), I couldn't be happier with the timing of this book chat because there's a video I've been dying to share with you! I've tweeted about it and pinned it, but I really wanted to include it on my blog, and I was waiting for a day that wasn't taken up by a link-up. So, instead of writing about the funniest book I've ever read, I'm just going to include some of my favorite book-humor videos, pins, etc. from the world wide web. Enjoy!

This literary rap is the video I referenced in the opening paragraph. I discovered it through a Goodreads tweet (they were really excited about their shout-out at 0:50). My favorite line is "Checked in with a pseudonym, so I guess you can say I'm Mark Twaining," but there are plenty of other good ones in there. Which part is your favorite?

I found this Hunger Games-inspired text message conversation on Pinterest, and I could. not. stop. laughing. (But now I've had the LMFAO song stuck in my head for days ... ugh!)

Source: via Megan on Pinterest                     Source: via Megan on Pinterest

Of course, I couldn't share a funny Hunger Games pin without giving some love to the wonderful world of Hogwarts. There's plenty more where these came from on my Harry Potter Pinterest board, if you're interested.

Next, I'd like to share another video: The Beanie Baby film version of The Hunger Games. I have to admit, it actually did a slightly better job of sticking to the book's storyline than the big-screen film did (considering it's under 12 minutes). I realize the movie did do a commendable job of staying true to the book, but I do have a few gripes. I won't rehash those here (see the postscript on this post for my brief analysis), but I will mention one other aspect of the film that bothered me that I forgot to mention last time: I realize people had different perceptions of Katniss and Peeta's relationship while reading the first book, but I always thought she was being manipulative of his feelings and doing what she had to in order to survive. I don't think the movie portrayed her inner emotional battle and decision-making process well enough to give viewers who didn't read the book an accurate perception of how her mind works. And that's all I'll write about The Hunger Games movie, I promise! But please watch the film below. It will be a very worthwhile use of 11 minutes and 24 seconds of your life.

Finally, you have to read this hilarious essay I read on Thought Catalog this morning. You just have to! It's an imagined conversation between Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Bella (the vampire), Hermione and Katniss, and it is too funny. If my glowing review isn't enough to convince you, just check out these excerpts:
Buffy: I still don’t get why you’re into that werewolf. Werewolves should totally have chest hair. Why doesn’t Jacob have chest hair?
Hermione: I have a spell for that.
Katniss: Moving on… So, how was everyone’s week?
Hermione: Oh, same old. Quidditch match, Ron being a whiny, emotional middle-child, a few random assassination attempts by the Dark Lord, saving Potter from certain doom. Y’know, the usual stuff.
Buffy: I was saving the world.
Katniss: I was also saving the world!
Bella: I jumped off a cliff to get the attention of my ex-boyfriend.

Buffy: I’m sorry, what?
Sorry for deviating a little from the prompt today, but hopefully none of you minded too much! :)


  1. Oh my gosh, that was great!! "You know how many bookmarks I have!?" LOL that line had me cracking up! This was all great. Thanks so much!! The 2nd HP pic had me tearing up. I needed this. Thanks so much.

  2. BAHAHAHAHA. Excellent choices of literary humor.

  3. Megan. You are the best at the internet.

    1. Favorite part of the rap was the part about marking pages because I ALWAYS have to try really hard to remember where I left off.

    2. I totally agree about not portraying Katniss' real feelings for Peeta in the movie. I think it was hard since a lot of that is inner dialogue, and how do you show that in the film?

    3. That girls night thing was hilair.

  4. I'M PEETA AND YOU KNOW IT! Guess what I'll be singing for the rest of the day :P

    Love love love all of this!

    Bella: I jumped off a cliff to get the attention of my ex-boyfriend.

    Buffy: I’m sorry, what?


  5. I love re-mixes of that song. so funny!! thanks for sharing :)

  6. Best part was, "You could say i'm Mark Twaining." Also, we definitely have to hang out when you're in town! I'm off that weekend, so I will be free to get Starbucks! I can't wait!


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