
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

30-Day Book Challenge: Day 12

Day 12 – A book I used to love but don’t anymore

Hmm, this one is tough. I don't often re-read books, so the only thing I can think of is to pick a book I loved growing up that I probably wouldn't enjoy today. In this case, it's actually a series.

The Baby-sitters Club. (I never noticed that had a hyphen until just now.) My sister and I had a huge bookcase full of these books growing up. We had the regular books, the "Super Specials," the mystery editions.... They were quick, fun reads when I was little, but I'm sure they wouldn't hold the same fascination for me now. I particularly remember how Ann M. Martin would spend pages describing each club member and their interests near the beginning of each book. I thought this was so cool growing up because that was my favorite part of writing - the descriptions. I wanted to write novels full of descriptions without any plotline whatsoever! However, I'm sure today that repetitious information would annoy me to no end.

Did you read The Baby-sitters Club growing up? How about Sweet Valley Twins? That was our other big book collection. My mom thought Sweet Valley High was too racy for me, though. Ha.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the BSC. I had a bunch of the books, too, and checked the rest out from the library. I loved the descriptions of Claudia's clothes, but i often skipped that recap chapter where they told you, again, in every book, how the BSC got started. Also most of my knowledge of the diabetes comes from these books.


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