
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Things that make me go "hmm."

Happy weekend, y'all! First of all, please help me out with some blog decisions by taking my survey. You might have noticed I didn't participate in Friday's Fancies yesterday for the first time in over two months, and I haven't had an "original" post (i.e. not a link-up or part of a series) in more than a week. I love link-ups and the opportunities they have given me to meet new bloggers, but I've been feeling a little restricted lately in my content, and I'm also worried I might be posting too often and therefore clogging up your Google Readers and irritating you.

I was originally going to wait until my blog had been active for a year (which is only next month!) to create a survey, but I figure there's no better time than the present, right? This blog will inevitably being going through some big changes this summer as I transition to my new job as a traveling consultant, and I would love your input as I prepare for those changes! Thanks so much in advance. And now, on to my interesting links from the past week (and one of my favorite pins):

Whimsical visual abstractions of the reading experience. (a.k.a. sweet photos)

This new Tumblr.

Powerful, phenomenally written story about the Joplin, Mo., tornado last summer. Long read, but definitely worth it. (Warning: You will probably definitely cry.)

funny cartoon about the future of books.

This short video (and by short, I mean under two minutes!) illustrates the dance and fashion styles of the past 100 years.

From Thought Catalog: 5 Misleading High School Myths Found In 90s TV

And finally, in a shameless plug for my place of employment: Outside magazine is giving away $10,000 to fund "a smart, creative, and (perhaps) slightly foolhardy project that we’ll feature in an upcoming issue"! Enter to win by May 18.

What are you plans this weekend? My old college roommate is in town for Easter, so we have an exciting weekend planned! I'll definitely be tweeting and Instagramming our adventures.

P.S. — If you're on Instagram (especially if you're a new Android user like me!), feel free to leave your username in the comments!