
Contact & Collaborate

*Statistics accurate as of 05.29.2015.

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I welcome any and all comments/questions/etc. from my readers! Of course you can always comment on my posts, but if you ever want to ask me a personal question or request a post about a specific topic, feel free to e-mail me at semicharmedkol[at]gmail[dot]com.

I love hosting guest posts on my blog, and I love guest posting for other bloggers, as well. I do not monetize ad space or guest posts; instead, I prefer to find bloggers who are interested in similar topics as me and build a partnership with them (trading buttons, feature posts, etc.). If you think you could be one of those bloggers, please don't hesitate to contact me! Currently, I do not publish sponsored posts on Semi-Charmed Kind of Life.

If you are a blogger looking for guest bloggers and considering me, here are some other places you can find examples of my writing:

>> December 2014: I shared eight adorable gift ideas for the bookworm in your life for Ever Emma's book-themed month of posts.

>> September 2013: My long-distance relationship with my now-husband, Jonathan, was featured on {long distance loving} as part of a recurring series.

>> June 2012: I shared a typical day in my life as a magazine intern in Santa Fe, New Mexico, over at Press Play. Summary: Coffee, bicycle, work, coffee, work, bicycle, Law & Order marathons. :)

>> See links for past professional writing here.