I recently joined the Literary Junkies Book Club, hosted by Pink Heels Pink Truck and By the Porchlight. The January book was The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling, she of esteemed Harry Potter fame, so I was excited to finally have an excuse to start it. I had been waiting to buy it until I caught up on all my reports for work, and then the Kindle version was briefly available for only $8! I was stoked. Unfortunately, I'm only about 11 percent of the way through, so I wasn't able to participate in the monthly Twitter chat on Tuesday, but I am still planning to finish the book. If you want to join in on the fun next month, the February book is The American Heiress.
I was also planning to update you on the state of my 2013 reading resolutions today, but with all these technical difficulties I've been having, I don't want this post to be any later than it already is. So, check back tomorrow (or this weekend) for that update. Thanks again for asking me to co-host, Jessica! I'm so honored. :)

Is this your first time at the Book Chat? Just follow these simple rules:
1. Please follow the host (Sweet Green Tangerine) and co-host (me!)
2. Visit a few other book chat links and show some support.
3. Link back here in your post. Or use the button provided.
4. Old posts are always welcome if you have blogged on the topic before.
Next week's topic: Short stories and novellas.