My first few months of traveling as a Leadership Consultant for Alpha Delta Pi have been primarily filled with recruitment visits. In preparation for the recruitment period, many chapters talk about what their sorority means to them and what they are looking for in their new members. A common theme I have found among the schools I've visited is that the women do not think of themselves as "sorority girls." In fact, they pride themselves on
not being "sorority girls." To this, I have two reactions:
1. Most obviously: A) You are a woman. B) You are in a sorority. Therefore, you
are a "sorority girl" (or, as I prefer to say, sorority woman).
2. More importantly: When people say they're not a "sorority girl," what are they really saying? They're probably saying they are not Elle Woods, right? (Although, Elle
did graduate with honors from Harvard Law, so I'm not sure what's so wrong with being her....)
I understand why people think of sorority girls as blonde bimbos; that's how we are portrayed in the media. However, I always like to remind the women in the chapters I visit to look at
our creed, and
then tell me why they don't want to be "sorority girls."
What is wrong with wanting to serve mankind selflessly?
What is wrong with being a courageous and confident leader?
What is wrong with focusing on scholarship and relationships?
What is wrong with striving to do your best in everything you undertake?
If being in a sorority were about clothes and make-up, I never would have joined. Luckily, that is not what being in a sorority is about ... at all. It's about forming lasting friendships with women who share the same values I do. It's about developing my own personality and character into a strong, independent woman. It's about philanthropy and community service and learning to value the needs of others. It's about realizing my own true potential and finding the motivation and support to live up to that potential. I firmly believe that if sorority women everywhere realize
this is what sorority life is about—not all the superficial stuff that is shown on television—that understanding will
lead them to achieve rich and useful lives.
Edited to add: I'm linking up this old post for the "Greek is Greek" link-up (hosted Wednesday, August 7, 2013). Click the button below to meet fellow Greek bloggers and read about their sorority experiences! And if you haven't yet, be sure to check out Being Greek: A Sisterhood of Bloggers.